Lawrence Schillinger
Lawrence Schillinger has served as Government Relations and Compliance Counsel to the ISRI Empire and New York Chapters since 1988. As Counsel for Energy and the Environment in the New York State Legislature, he was instrumental in the enactment of New York’s sustainability statutes, encompassing materials management, renewable energy, and the enforcement of environmental crimes. Schillinger has a BA in Environmental Planning from the University of Buffalo; and he earned his law degree from the University of North Carolina. He is past-president of the Capital Region Board of the League of Conservation Voters, past-president of the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, and is an Attorney Emeritus with the Feerick Center for Social Justice at Fordham Law School.
All Sessions by Lawrence Schillinger
Catalytic Converter Theft - Legislation & Enforcement and the Effect on Recycling
Mandalay Bay Ballroom KThe surge in catalytic converter theft as a result of rising precious metals prices has caused issues for the recycling industry as well as law enforcement. Join a panel of law enforcement experts for a discussion on how state and local legislation affect catalytic converter theft as well as the possible need for federal legislation.